Frequently Asked Questions
What is DealerVoice?
DealerVoice is a contact management system. It automatically identifies and contacts customers to inform them of their vehicle needs such as a due for service reminder, appointment reminder or any other thing you can think of. The system integrates with your dealership management and telephone systems. Once configured, it is completely automatic, delivering pre-recorded telephone calls, emails or letters to customers.
Will my customers like it?
Yes, dealerships have been using the system for over 8 years in international markets, cities and towns just like yours. Typical complaint rates are less than 0.1%. Customers appreciate short and concise reminders, not long winded tele-marketers.
How much does it cost?
DealerVoice doesn't cost money, it makes money. The system generates positive cash flow for your dealership. Configuration and payment options are too numerous to mention here. Allow us to give you a full demonstration so that we may "fill the value bucket"
How does it make the dealership money?
By calling customers regularly they will return more often for parts, service, lease renewals and sales events.
How does it save the dealership money?
DealerVoice is the lowest cost alternative to outsourcing or call centers. The system generates positive cash flow for the store.
How much administration does it require?
Depending on the configuration options you choose, there may be no administration time required. Fully configured systems - just 5 to 10 minutes a day.
What happens if a customer already has an appointment?
DealerVoice is totally integrated with your in-house system. It knows when customers are due for service, have appointments or their special order parts have arrived. Up to the minute integration means accurate calling.
Does it comply with factory and government mandates?
Yes. CSI requirements, do-not-call lists, privacy laws and the like, it handles them all.
We already have a call centre, can DealerVoice still help us?
Yes. DealerVoice reduces the number of outbound calls your staff need to make, maintaining their focus on more productive inbound calls. Let the DealerVoice system handle the routine calls and use your current staff levels more wisely.
What credibility does DealerVoice have?
DVMT Inc. has over a century of dealership, customer retention, and computer experience. Since 1996, dealerships both large and small have been using DealerVoice to contact their customers. Our reference list is impressive, complete with all types of demographic areas and vehicle franchises.